High Precision Dispense Systems Comparision

Compare High Precision Dispense System Features and Options by Machine Model

Dispense Systems Standard Features by Model

Compare features availability by model to decide which of our high precision liquid dispense systems you need.

For detailed descriptions, click X next to feature.

Standard Features MAX MAX II
Work Area Heat   X
Automatic Nozzle Calibration X X
Automatic Nozzle Cleaning X X
Automatic Vision System X X
  - Fiducial Alignment X X
  - Red/Blue Lighting X X
Surface Sensor - Contact X X
Tool-less Mount X X
Dispense Station X X
Contour Mapping X X
Smart Path Optimization X X

Add-On Options by Dispense System Model

Which of the following functions does your process require? See option availability by model to decide which of our high precision fluid dispensers you need.

For detailed descriptions, click X next to feature.

VISION Options

Add-On Options MAX MAX II
Programmable Zoom - ClearVu Vision X X
Process View Camera & Recorder X X
FullView Illumination X X
2X Lens Extender - Magnifier X X
High Depth of Field Lens X X


Add-On Options MAX MAX II
Pre Heat X
Post Heat X
Thermal Imaging System - TempView X
Heated Body Pump X
Heated Syringe X

OTHER Dispense System Options

Add-On Options MAX MAX II
Real Time Process Control (FPC) X X
Surface Sensor - Non-Contact X X
Process Calibration Weight Scale X X
Dispense Station - 2nd X X
Level Detect X X
Syringe Agitator/Mixer X X
Tandem Operation X X
Two Part Mixing X X
Loader & Unloader X X
Conveyor Transport X X
Barcode Reader X X
Uninterrupted Power Source X X
UV Curing Wand X X
Pick and Place X X
Data Translator X X