CircuitCAM Express Data Translator

Free 30 day Trial of Full-Featured Data Translator: CircuitCAM Express

CircuitCAM Express converts data from external sources into a fully functional GPD Global FLOware software program. Data formats such as Gerber, GENCAD, Mentor Graphics, and numerous other ASCII formats are compatible with the translator. For a complete list of supported data formats, see the CAD Import Options file included at the following download site.

To get your free, fully functional demonstration software, go to: //

After download is complete, install the software with Administrator rights. You will be issued, via email, a trial password valid for 30 days.

For an introduction to using the software, contact the GPD Global Service Department at 970.245.0408.

If you decide to activate the software permanently, either contact your GPD Global Sales Representative or contact GPD Global directly for a quotation.