Component Lead Former: CF9

Taped Radial Component Lead Former

  • Production rates up to 25,000 components per hour.
  • Reduce setup time with quick change tooling and repeatable station settings.Taped Radical Component Lead Former Equipment, Machines
CF-9 radial lead former demonstration video
CF-9 in action - video.

Component Forms

Below are some of the most common forms produced by the CF-9 component lead former.

Reducing Form
Reducing Form

Reducing Form with Lock In Stand-off
Reducing Form with Lock In Stand-off

Spread For
Spread For

Spread Form with Lock In Stand-off
Spread Form with Lock In Stand-off

Lock In Stand-off Form
Lock In Stand-off Form

90 Degree Angle Bend
90 Degree Angle Bend

Flush Mount Lock In Form
Flush Mount Lock In Form

Stand-off Lock In Form
Stand-off Lock In Form

Inline Lock In Stand-off Form
Inline Lock In Stand-off Form

Middle Lead Offset Form
Middle Lead Offset Form

Middle Lead Offset with 3 Lead Lock In Form
Middle Lead Offset with 3 Lead Lock In Form

Middle Lead Offset with 3 Lead Lock In Form
Middle Lead Offset with Lock In Form

Component Lead Former CF9 Specifications

CF9 Taping Specifications: EIA-468-A Radial Lead Taping pdf